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Sheffield's New Clean Air Zone

As of Monday 27th February 2023, Sheffield City Council will begin operating a Clean Air Zone around the City Centre and Ring Road. If your – or your business’ vehicle/s do not meet either the minimum exemption standards relating to the Clean Air Zone (CAZ), or the exemption criteria for the charge, you may incur a daily charge each time you drive through the zone.

For more information on whether - and how - you may be affected, keep reading.


Who’s affected?

- Taxis, Hackney Carriages, and Private Hire Vehicles

- Buses and Coaches

- Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) such as Lorries

- Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs) such as Vans and Pick-up Trucks


Who’s exempt?

- Private cars and motorcycles are exempt from the CAZ indefinitely.

- Hackney carriages licensed by Sheffield City Council will be automatically exempt from the

charge until 5 June 2023

- Individuals or businesses based in Sheffield or Rotheram who run LGVs may be able to apply for temporary exemption from the charge until 5th June 2023

- Check national and local exemptions to the CAZ at:


How much will it be?

Vehicles not meeting emissions standards or national/local exemptions will be charged a daily fee for each day they drive in the CAZ. Charges are as follows:

- For polluting vans/LGVs and taxis: £10 per day

- For buses, coaches and lorries: £50 per day


Can I get help to upgrade my vehicle?

Businesses or professionals willing to upgrade their vehicles to meet exemption standards may be able to apply for grants, interest subsidised loans or mixes of the two to help cover the cost of a new vehicle.

Those who have already purchased a cleaner vehicle to replace their polluting vehicles (after 26th October 2021). may also be eligible for a retrospective grant which would cover a portion of the cost.


Where will the money go?

Sheffield City Council has announced that all funds raised from Clean Air Zone fees will be used to cover the running costs of the zone, and to fund other clean air projects around Sheffield.


What do you think about the Clean Air Zone?

  • I'm all for it.

  • I'm not a fan!


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